Several participants from UK and USA have attended the two week programme on People Based Development over the past years. Some of them have taken the initiative of spreading the ideas further through seminar talks, workshops at various places in UK. This has also led to formation of MIUK
Some Reflections by the Participants

Peter Richmond, UK
I think a key lesson from People Based Development is that a real paradigm shift has to include a real shift in the power dynamic, be it from the bureaucratic centre of an organisation decentralizing control, through to individuals themselves truly finding their own solutions.

Carl Poll, UK
The development from within approach is, for me, the great contribution of Manavodaya - alongside, of course, your massive experience in facilitating self-managing groups. It's the thing that makes Manavodaya stand out from other agencies

Robert Bixler, USA
There is no substitute for this experience of practicing change within ourselves and witnessing the change in women in the villages. ...We are too willing to give charity which may feed others for today without helping them find a path that will feed them for a life time.

Nick Ball, UK
The two weeks have served to reinforce for me the essential connection between my own inner self and the work that I do trying to help disadvantaged people to find their voice and their place in society.